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Writer's pictureSteffi August

5 Tips to overcome FEAR

Fear is the greatest obstacle to learning. Can you imagine Fear being your best friend? Fear is like fire. Don't lose yourself in your fear.

Fears are stories we tell ourselves or have been told by others, sometimes even our closest family members or friends.

“Don’t ever make decisions based on fear. Make decisions based on hope and possibility, make decisions based on what should happen, not what shouldn’t.” - Michelle Obama

When I was 18, living in East Germany I applied to sit the exam to get a car licence. I already had my motorbike licence but for the car licence we had to wait longer, sometimes up to three years. The law changed and we became eligible to change our car licence application into a truck and trailer licence application if we had been waiting for 2 years already.

Here was an opportunity to do something out of my comfort zone. Me a girl, only 5-foot-tall and still a bit naïve, but I thought what a great opportunity, so I took it! I transferred my car licence application to a truck licence application and two weeks later I was sitting in the classroom with 39 guys.

My stepdad did not like the idea of me sitting the truck licence. “You are a girl. You are too little. You will never need it and you will not pass it anyway!” was all he told me. WOW this was a huge life changer for me. Something clicked and shifted. I was so ready to prove him wrong—and I did. I passed with ease, getting 100% after a huge theory and practical test. All it took was 12 weeks of learning and driving lessons.

Never ever let someone’s opinion become your reality, never ever!! By the way, 30 years later I used the licence to drive our huge 12m furniture truck throughout NZ. Never say never. If you want it, go get it, be unstoppable and I mean unstoppable!

Everything you want lies on the other side of fear.

We must learn to not trust our fear…

5 tips to quit to overcome fear:

  • Trying to please everyone.

  • Fearing change.

  • Living in the past.

  • Putting yourself down.

  • Overthinking things.

If you can use those fears to shape who you will be and get past them; you can do anything. Fear is a mind-killer. Dream without fear.

You can conquer almost any fear if you make up your mind to do so. Remember, fear does not exist anywhere except in your mind.

“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” - Dale Carnegie

Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence. Face your future without fear.

Do what you fear and fear disappears. Feel the fear then do it anyway.

Courage does not mean you do not get afraid. Courage means you do not let fear stop you.

“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.” - Winston Churchill

F.E.A.R. has two meanings:

  • Forget Everything And Run OR

  • Face Everything And Rise.

  • The choice is yours.

The fears we do not face become our limits. What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. You cannot control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen.

How can we overcome fear?

  • Ask yourself why is it a fear for you???

  • What is the worst what can happen?

  • Why should it happen?

  • Be present with your thoughts.

  • Believe in yourself.

Ask yourself what is going to happen if you do not face your fears?

What will happen if you do face your fears?

Always remember as Franklin Roosevelt says: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

What are you waiting for? Start living, stop existing. Face your fear.

Can you NOW imagine FEAR being your best friend?

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” - Les Brown

“I’m here for a reason. I’m here to make a difference.” Sending you lots of hugs, positivity and sunshine. I look forward to supporting you through difficult times to bring the best out in you and to help you to create your “new” reality. Bye for now 😊



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